A Covid19 elleni szabályok és nyilatkozat az Europass Teachers Academy tanfolyamain
Information for course participants to limit the
spread of Covid-19
This document aims to help students to get to know the rules which they
must follow to ensure safe access to the school. It is essential for everyone
to cooperate and to respect the rules described herein, which are indispensable
for the protection of the health of students and school personnel.
Below is the key information which students must take note of:
Access to the school:
The conditions for student attendance at the school are:
The absence of respiratory symptoms or of a body
temperature higher than 37.5°C, even in the previous 3 days;
Not having been in contact with a person who has
tested positive for the virus, to their best knowledge, in the last 14 days;
Upon arriving at the school, students must use the
hand sanitizer available at the entrance of the school.
When students come to the school, they must wear their
own mask (surgical or fabric).
Masks can only be removed to eat or drink or to do
physical activity.
It is recommended that you carry at least one spare
mask in case of damage.
Make sure to wash/sanitize your hands every time that
you handle your mask.
You are not allowed to take materials from home into the school (except
for materials that are strictly necessary for teaching activities and personal
Rules within the school:
When you are at the school, you must respect the
distance of 1m (1.8m is advised);
Access to the bathrooms is limited according to their
People not undertaking a course are not allowed into
the building.
General hygiene measures
At the school, the following hygiene measures must be respected:
Frequent hand washing with water and soap (using hand
sanitizer gel in the absence of water). The presence of soap/hand gel is
signaled by the appropriate signs;
The correct instructions for hand washing are also
displayed near the toilets;
Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute
respiratory infections;
Avoid hugs and handshakes;
Maintain, in social situations, a distance of at least
a meter when wearing a surgical mask; in the case that this is not possible,
wear a FFP2 or P3 mask provided by the school;
Avoid the shared use of bottles, glasses etc;
PPE and masks must always be used by the same
Avoid the shared use of work equipment;
Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough by
coughing or sneezing into your elbow; Use tissues and then throw them away,
washing your hands immediately afterwards;
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose with your
hands because those are the points of entrance of the virus into your body;
Florence, Italy
The school
management team
Signature of the
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